the agnostic investor

Written by Taraje Williams-Murray, CEO of Coroebus Wealth Management

financial planning and investment management simplified

Getting to the top…

Over the past two months we have taken a look at Liquid Net Worth and Net Worth and Income in the United States. A couple of key takeaways are that attaining at least a bachelors degree has positive indications for upward mobility and getting married is a good thing according to household income and wealth in America.

This month I’d like to take a global perspective and present data from the 2022 Credit Suisse Global Wealth Report:

With more than three times the second highest country, 39% of global millionaires reside in the U.S., though the top 1% holds more wealth than the bottom 50% combined.

Home ownership and business ownership are key milestones to achieving low probability financial success in our (Generation Y/Z) lifetimes. Those individuals who have the risk appetite and bandwidth to start a side hustle or fully commit to their entrepreneurial dreams should review the data available and consider the probability of success and how long it may really take…

Keep moving…


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