the agnostic investor

Written by Taraje Williams-Murray, CEO of Coroebus Wealth Management

financial planning and investment management simplified

Tag: business

  • A Note on Performance

    After establishing Coroebus Wealth Management June 3, 2013, we began managing our bond portfolio in April of 2014. I have been advised not to offer my services based on market performance as capturing alpha is rare and past performance does not guarantee future results. That being said, we had a great year. As the Federal…

  • 23 In Review

    Happy New Year! I’d just like to share what a positive year 2023 was for me personally, offering some chaos, growth, fresh starts and new beginnings. Being committed to lifelong learning we made a great investment of time in education last year and are on good footing in a very fast paced and exciting environment.…

  • First Time Homebuyer Resources

    Happy Labor Day to all! Despite our momentum the past month was challenging. Our service mark for Pythia was in danger of being cancelled until just a few days ago. I hadn’t realized how important this project has become and what it might mean to our longevity until we were at risk of losing it.…


    Good news everyone! I am now a licensed realtor in the State of N.J. working with Keller Williams Village Square Realty at 74 Godwin Ave, Ridgewood, NJ 07450. To some, it may seem like poor timing to start a career in real estate or even buy a home as inventory is low, the Federal Reserve…

  • A Note on Perseverance

    The Miriam Webster dictionary defines perseverance as “continued effort to do or achieve something despite difficulties, failure, or opposition : the action or condition or an instance of persevering : steadfastness Borrowed from Latin perseverant-, perseverans : persisting in a course of action, steadfast,” I recall a message that resonated with me when I first…

  • 6 Reasons to Rollover Your 401(k) to an IRA

    Product Maximum Annual Contribution Limit Traditional IRA & Roth IRA $6,500, plus $1,000 catch-up if 50 or older (Limit is for the total contributions to all traditional or Roth IRAs) Traditional 401(k) & 403(b) $22,500, plus $7,500 catch-up if 50 or older Roth 401(k) & 403(b) $22,500, plus $7,500 catch-up if 50 or older 457 $22,500, plus…

  • Wealth: Net Worth and Liquid Net Worth

    Assets – Liabilities = Net Worth (or Wealth) Use our Financial Position Worksheet to calculate your net worth. Liquid Assets – Liabilities = Liquid Net Worth Liquid assets are those which you can easily convert to cash, usually within a week, without much change in their value. That excludes your house and car from the…

  • Happy Labor Day!

    The first Labor Day holiday was celebrated on Tuesday, September 5, 1882, in New York City, in accordance with the plans of the Central Labor Union. The Central Labor Union held its second Labor Day holiday just a year later, on September 5, 1883. By 1894, 23 more states had adopted the holiday, and on…

  • Financial Repression

    In their 2011 paper Former Senior Vice President and World Bank Group Chief Economist Carmen Reinhart, and International Monetary Fund Economist Maria Belen Sbrancia brilliantly explain the “pillars” or economic conditions of financial repression and demonstrate how it is effective in the liquidation of government debt.  A term introduced in the 1970’s, financial repression is…

  • Capital, Access & Influence

    Exploring and gaining experience in the many areas of business and finance continues to inspire my appetite for change. Since childhood I have pursued meritocratic environments. My athletic career has disappointed deeply in that area. Though I continue to find marginal success in different areas, the returns have not matched the investment or risk taken.…