the agnostic investor

Written by Taraje Williams-Murray, CEO of Coroebus Wealth Management

financial planning and investment management simplified

A Note on Perseverance

The Miriam Webster dictionary defines perseverance as “continued effort to do or achieve something despite difficulties, failure, or opposition : the action or condition or an instance of persevering : steadfastness

Borrowed from Latin perseverant-, perseverans : persisting in a course of action, steadfast,”

I recall a message that resonated with me when I first read The Art of Contrary Thinking; author Humphrey B. Neill speaks to the resolve that will be necessary when one holds a contrary opinion as years may pass by and you will repeatedly hear others tell you every reason why your opinion is wrong or ridiculous.

I can only say now that I immediately assumed due to their unlikelihood, others would perceive my goals impossible. We have high ambition and though our goals may seem unlikely, predicting the future with any specificity is typically just about as good as flipping a coin… typically.


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