the agnostic investor

Written by Taraje Williams-Murray, CEO of Coroebus Wealth Management

financial planning and investment management simplified

  • (“Hello, World!”)

  • Behavioral Finance Primer

    Definitions Notable Names in Behavioral Finance 33 Biases; Cognitive, Emotional and Social Any of the 33 abive of hundreds of biases classified can affect decision-making processes and behavior in financial contexts, leading to less than optimal financial outcomes. Recognizing these biases is the first step toward mitigating their effects. Predictive Analytics Predictive analytics harnesses vast…

  • A Note on Performance

    After establishing Coroebus Wealth Management June 3, 2013, we began managing our bond portfolio in April of 2014. I have been advised not to offer my services based on market performance as capturing alpha is rare and past performance does not guarantee future results. That being said, we had a great year. As the Federal…

  • 23 In Review

    Happy New Year! Iā€™d just like to share what a positive year 2023 was for me personally, offering some chaos, growth, fresh starts and new beginnings. Being committed to lifelong learning we made a great investment of time in education last year and are on good footing in a very fast paced and exciting environment.…

  • The Great Wealth Transfer, Inequality and Preparing Heirs

    The Great Wealth Transfer refers to a predicted transfer of wealth mainly from baby boomers (those born 1946-1964) to millennials and Gen Z households (HH). As younger generations are prepared to inherit this wealth we might expect significant changes in economic and social dynamics. According to the 2022 Global Wealth Report published by Credit Suisse,…

  • Predictive Analytics and Artificial Intelligence in Financial Services

    Predictive Analytics: the use of data to predict future trends and events. It uses historical data to forecast potential scenarios that can help drive strategic decisions (What is Predictive Analytics? – Harvard Busines School) Generative AI: any AI system whose primary function is to generate content; This is in contrast to AI systems that perform…

  • Decision Fatigue

    With so much chaos and uncertainty I thought it best to suggest a reading this evening from Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta President and CEO, Raphael Bostic. Inflation Fight Is On Track, but the Path to 2 Percent Could Be Bumpy

  • First Time Homebuyer Resources

    Happy Labor Day to all! Despite our momentum the past month was challenging. Our service mark for Pythia was in danger of being cancelled until just a few days ago. I hadn’t realized how important this project has become and what it might mean to our longevity until we were at risk of losing it.…

  • Homeownership in the U.S.

    According to the April 2023 National Association of Realtors (NAR) study Wealth Gains by Income and Racial/Ethnic Group, a typical homeowners wealth is as much as 40x greater than a renters. A vital part of wealth accumulation for most, home ownership is a key milestone on the path to achieving the American dream. 74.4% of…

  • Happy Independence Day 2023!

    Happy 4th!!!!